Fjölnishlaupið offers 10 & 5 km long races and a short 1,4 km run for fun. It has a long tradition and will now be held for the 30h time in 2018. It is a part of a series of road races sponsored by Powerade that are held in Reykjavik every year.
The race is organized by Fjölnir which is a sports club in Grafarvogur.
The Grafarvogur Bay
Grafarvogur is a suburb in Reykjavik where about 20,000 people live, and is one of Reykjavik’s newer neighborhoods. It is only a 15 minute drive from the center of Reykjavik so it is very accessible. The race is both for beginners and also for serious competitors. It starts by the swimming pool in Grafarvogur at Dalhús, 112 Reykjavik.
The course takes you down to the seaside and back again. The path along the shore is very beautiful with interesting birdlife. It is always very popular with the running clubs in Reykjavik to visit Grafarvogur and run around the bay.
The course is flat except for one hill near the end of the race.
A fun run
At the same time there will be a short race intended for kids and families. It is 1,4 km long.
After the race a lot of prizes are randomly given out to the participants. All runners get a free ticket to the excellent pool after the race where they can relax in the hot tub or sauna.
This year the race will be held on Thursday, 10th of May and will start at 11:00 am. Registration is here or at the swimming pool 2 hours in advance of the race.